The last six months has flown by at Axial Consulting as the transition from being a re-seller to becoming a Cloud Service Provider has been completed. It has been an exciting experience and through perseverance we have our Cloud service up and running.
Many lessons were learnt along the way and many meetings were required to flesh out and help our partners understand the Axial Consulting secret sauce. All our information indicated we had a unique opportunity if we could assist clients with their requirement to run Power Systems AIX in the Cloud, and therein lay the challenge and the cause off many meetings. Suffice it to say after many challenges we were finally able to implement our cloud offering and be in a position to bring this to market.
Our initial thought had been to offer a fairly narrow set of solutions but it soon became clear that we would need to expand our thinking as to what businesses required, some required a simple hosted environment, while others required Disaster Recovery functionality through a “pay per use” model.
The clients that we approached expressed an interest and desire to engage further and explore these exciting cloud offerings and see how they would be able to leverage these in their own environments. Our expectation is that we will have a seriously busy year in 2017.
Our first client, a training company, required us to set up an environment to provide AIX training to their clients based in Africa. They were extremely happy with the environment that was provisioned for them and the connection speed we initially thought may be a challenge, proved to not be an issue at all and two weeks of training went off flawlessly. As a result we now will be able to provision any future training requirement they have in a matter of minutes.
As our journey progresses I will update this blog regularly, so check back often or feel free to contact us and we will gladly assist you with your requirement.